Last night turned out interestingly. I had already done enough stuff-getting-rid-of, or so I thought, and then I discovered that the washing machine had about 20 minutes to go, and it was stuff that was to be ironed, so I wanted to hang it and take it with me this morning to Miss N's house...
So I looked in my wardrobe. Not such a bad idea, for a woman on a mission to declutter! Out went quite a number of tops which I am a tad embarassed about. They ranged from a top I bought in the late 1980's.... (yes, really - I still had it despite god knows how many wardrobe clear outs since) to another top still with a price tag on. Ouch.
Feels good though - despite the ouch factor, because then I had room on my side of the wardrobe to reclaim most (no, not all) of my clothes from Ken's side. I'm sure he's really happy to have a bit more room on his side, although when I got home tonight, he has moved (again) a pair of dark brown trousers which I bought for him in Thailand - I think he thinks they're mine.... I don't know why - just because half of my clothes are on his side of the wardrobe!!!
Anyway, so I had a busy day at work, and I've had a busy night here at home too. I've done a few things decluttering wise (I've put them in red) and a few jobs that had to be done...
My tasks for tonight were:
- Post my card to my Heart Sister
- Deliver the ironing to the delightful Miss N
- Unpack the dishwasher
- Bring in the washing, fold & put away
- Clean out and chuck the excess stuff from the fridge and the freezer above the fridge (oh, the shame of what I just chucked...)
- Check timings for Carpet man
- Remove nail polishes
- Clean out cup in bathroom (who on EARTH needs 5, yes 5 pairs of scissors in a cup in a bathroom???)
- Package up stuff for Nicky
- Change over Camels
- Nicky re Muster dates
- Ring the gorgeous Miss M re our roadtrip
- Groceries list
- $ pay visa, AMEX, transfer to savings
- 2 x D batteries
- Pick up ironing
- Book a time for poopy bum Chook to go to vet
So, moving right along from the embarassing situation of the fridge chuck - I've done all the stuff above, and feel pretty good about it. Just a few more things tonight before the gorgeous Miss S comes tomorrow (that's my heavenly angelic cleaning lady). Roger whizzed around the floors again tonight, and did another great job. I might put on my list to learn to program him next!!! I'll take a photo of him sometime!!!
One chooky isn't quite right - she's happy and hurtling around, but has a poopy bum. After Lucy, I'm not taking any chances, so Ken's going to take her to the Vet tomorrow. Broody chook who's been sitting on the nest for what seems like forever has finally stopped being broody, right in time to moult. It's chicken abuse, I tell you - they look just so awful when they're moulting, she's got patches of skin showing now! So - I better not post a photo of her either. I'd be run in by the RSPCA!!!
Ahhh... love living in the country!!!