Sunday, 3 March 2013

The rains came!!!!

And boy, didn't it rain!!!

Our drought broke on the Australia Day long weekend.  In just 4 days, 544mm of rain fell from the sky via our rain gauge.  Yep - more than half a metre!!!

Along with it came intense winds on one day, flooding both locally and in Gympie where I work, and some people in my town without power for 5 days.  We were fortunate - we lost power for only 18 hours, and we do have a generator, so just as we had decided to unpack it and get it organised, on came the power!

Gympie did not fare well - they had a 21.3 metre flood, and then just this past week have had an 18.5 metre flood.  I so feel for the businesses up Mary Street and on River Road that have been inundated.  It's terribly terribly difficult, and even though the local Gympie community bands together and supports each other, there are many businesses who will not open again.

Do you recall the Traveston Dam debacle?  One of the reasons that the dam was stopped was due to the endangered lung fish that inhabits the Mary River that flows through Gympie....  Check this picture out of one of the carparks near Mary Street...

Photo: A friendly local rescues a lungfish from a flooded Gympie car park.

Do you remember the crocheted ripple blanket that I have been making for Ken's nieces' baby?  Bubs was due to arrive this week sometime, however arrived about 4 weeks ago now, which was good as mum is about 5'2" and dad... well, he's 6'7"....  Baby was never going to go full term!!

Anyway, the gorgeous little soul arrived, a little girl, Gracie Elizabeth.  Woo-hoo!!!

Yesterday I managed to finish off my cot ripple blanket.  It was inspired by Lucy's pattern over at the Attic.  I have done mine in 8 ply Bendigo Cottons, it is just sooooooooooooooooo soft and yummy!  I hope they all like it!!!


Last weekend it was mum's 70th birthday, so we hired a houseboat in the Noosa River & went away.  She didn't know about it, although she was a little suspicious that something was going on when they were running late and instructed to meet us at the Noosa Marina!!!  All was good though and we had a fantastic weekend...


Well - my chook pen awaits my attention... it's flooded, and the chookies are wandering around in mood and slush.  It's not going to be nice, but they give us such gorgeous eggs every day, we have to have responsibility to keep them nice too.  Off to get my gum boots on!!!!


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  2. Looks a bit like Kempsey NSW! Even our ducks have had enough rain as they make a point of sitting in the farm shed for a couple of hours a day just to be dry for a while, so I imagine your chooks have had quite enough.
    Nice ripple blanket :).
    Cheers, Robyn

  3. Hi Shaz...glad you were OK with all the flooding and sorry we missed you at our girlie weekend but sounds like you had a great time with your Mum for her 70th. Hope to catch you in the flesh sometime soon.

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