Monday, 30 January 2012

My latest creation...

I've been a busy little beaver when it comes to doing some crocheting lately!  I saw a post on a blog called Attic24, and it was for a striped tote bag, with funky handles with sweet little flower motifs on them, and I decided it was going to be my next project, so I've been working on it ever since.

I get the stops & the starts, and the weekend before last at sewing I took my quilt to pin, but only managed to take a pack of 30 pins - I had thought it was at least 60... so it took me an hour of fluffing around to finish pinning the quilt, then I picked up the bag again. 

Well - before you know it, I had done quite a bit.  In the quiet here last week during all the rain, I did quite a bit more.  When I couldn't sleep at midnight last night, I finished off the flower motifs, today at lunch time I went and picked up the buttons for the centre of the flowers, and then while I was defrosting dinner, I've sat down and finished it all!!! 

Wanna see????

I love how it has a zig zag pattern in it - I used Lily Sugar 'n Cream in Fairy Lights or some other such whimsical name... It did the pattern all by itself!!!

I also need to show you some pictures of some Ginger and other flowers that I took at the Buderim Ginger Factory Ginger Flower & Food Festival on Saturday... absolutely spectacular!!!

Can you see it's tongues poking out???
It was a lovely day, and I got some yummy recipes too - very very easy and delish!  I've tried one of the sweet ones, and I will share them with you soon... 

Isn't mother nature wonderful???


  1. Hi Sharynne. Pat here. The bag is very pretty. Clever lady! I thought you might have finished it while watching the tennis! Love the flower photos, too.

  2. Oh Sharynne Jan here. It is nice to see you blog. That bag is so pretty. You are a clever woman. I love the little flowers on it too. And the pics of the ginger are pretty. I never knew it looked like that.
    Can't wait to read more posts.

  3. Hi Sharynne. Well done on finishing the bag, very pretty. It is lovely, and the photos of the ginger are amazing.

  4. Dear Sharynne,

    Your bag is a lovely creation, just like you.

    I hope Ken's dad is doing better today. I'm sending positive thoughts his way for a speedy recovery.

    I hope your day is lovely. I know you're travelling for work at the moment, but I hope you are allowing some time for yourself.

    With Love,

    Your Heartsister xx

  5. Ooohhhh - my HS is here... now I am very curious to know who you are!!!!

    Thank you lovely ladies for your comments - I will update my blog very soon!!!

  6. That bag is great and now on my wishlist:0)
    Those ginger flowers are so amazing and all different, the ginger factory is a great place.
