Sunday, 9 September 2012

Organising - it's time to get back to it...

I've kind of been following an organising challenge from The Organised Housewife.  I signed up, I get the e-mails, and I've done a few things but that's been about it...

Friday I was looking at the website, and they had some lovely fun looking things to try, and they revolved around the pantry.  Kinda handy, because Thursday's (I think) challenge was to declutter the pantry.  So - I decided that today would be the day...

I got up sorta early and had a cup of tea and got stuck into it.  Nearly forgot to take the "before" photo's!!!

A before photo

Close up of the main shelves...

The "in progress" shot...  note that I have two bins operating here!!!

The "after and God help anyone who messes it up" photo...

4 bags of rubbish departed that pantry.  Gosh, you can hardly see where it went from.  Still, it's a lot neater, I know what's in there, and it's the first step of many in my attempt to organise (but more importantly KEEP it organised) my house...

I bought some things to help me keep organised in the grocery buying and note keeping stakes, I'll post that soon. 


  1. Well done!~

    Spring cleaning myself at present :/

  2. Looks Great!


  3. Also on the challenge - however I am at least 3 days behind. Day off coming up soon so there will be time again soon. I think I will need a least a day to do the pantry.

  4. Well done Sharynne! I've had 'declutter and clean pantry' on my list for weeks!

  5. Sharynne love the pantry clean up. I love how ordered things are when we do this, somehow makes me feel more happy and in control. You also have a lovely kitchen.

  6. Lovely Sharynne. Love your kitchen. I soooooo need to declutter my pantry. Well done, I bet it feels great
